My testimony at the 1.26.23 CA Board of Directors’ meeting. I had to pivot at the last minute because CEO, Lakey Boyd, announced her resignation a couple of hours ago:
My name is Amy Brooks and I live in Oakland Mills and teach at Oakland Mills HS. Like many of my neighbors, I am devastated by the news that Lakey Boyd is no longer with us.
This sudden (or not so sudden) turn of events has got me thinking about why our feelings can seem so big during moments of disappointment like this. I think it’s about winning. We all want to be on a winning team. We want to be the best, shine the brightest, and feel happy and healthy and whole. Everyone wants to be on a winning team- to feel solidarity with good people who work hard and show up for one another. To see others cheer us on and join our fan club. We want to attract the best talent in the country and maintain the healthiest work environment. Everyone wants to be on a winning team.
But at the moment we are losing. Losing badly. What do we do in moments like this? When we see people jumping ship? Quitting? Resigning? Leaving our team on purpose? What do we say when people shake their head in disgust, dismay, and disappointment? How do we reconcile our identity when it feels like self-sabotage instead of a legitimate loss against an actual opponent?
CA has the potential to be a championship team. We could win big. But let’s be honest. We’ve just lost so much recently that it’s hard to see how we will rebuild without a dramatic shift. It’s time for remaining board members to listen and understand why morale is plummeting. It’s time to engage in an open process for candidates to replace our beloved team captain and CEO.
No more secret meetings, no more funding lawyers for tens of thousands of dollars. No more ignoring endless protests from the community.
We have to do better- you have to do better. There is no other way forward than together. In order to be a winning team, we must have teamwork. From the remaining leaders,the board of directors who have yet to resign, we need communication, transparency, and accountability. If the board truly wants CA to be a winning team, you must start listening to your constituents. We are a part of this team. You must start listening.